London Balance Festival

Loved it, liked it, leave it…..

I love London and particularly when I am getting to go for three days alone (no kids) and to a festival all about health, fitness, nutrition and wellness. It’s a bit like heaven for me.

This was my second year attending the packed event and from last year I had learned about how to make the best of it. I packed essentials only (save any check in luggage) and went straight to the event. The night before I had planned out which talks, classes and events were a must, might and maybe…

The Friday is Industry day and always kicks off with the Director of the Festival giving his summary of the industry survey from the previous 12 months. I was as usual extremely insightful with some scary and interesting stats.

  • 72% of gyms/studios face closure this coming year

  • 20% of those questioned view the current state of the wellness industry as “challenging”

  • The top 3 of these challenges came out as 1) Rising costs, 2) Downturn in demand and 3) Increasing competition

  • 63.8% of consumers today take a daily supplement

  • and still the top “health” goals are 1) loose weight and 2) gain strength

  • 60% (6 of of 10) admitted to having problems or issues currently with their mental health and gave self care as their top solution for this

The information in this very first session was both relevant and helpful for business - Loved it!

Next I attended a talk by the Director of a big Marketing agency in London called the Round house and I was really disappointed to realise about ten minutes in that the guys was regurgitating the exact same presentation I had heard him give 12 months ago….Leave it!

Given the industry stats earlier in the day, I made sure to attend the 2 sessions on Stress management (1)Solutions for the real world and 2)Through movement & breath) and really enjoyed both. There was nothing groundbreaking but some excellent approaches to bring into teachings and a great look at the rise and knowledge of Polyvagal theory - Liked it!

However possibly my favourite two sessions were on Manifesting and another on Being not Doing. Both left me scribbling away copious notes, asking questions and buying books by the speakers before I had left the talk. Lots more of this to share in future - Loved it!

Class and workshops: I didn’t attend nearly as many as the previous year and also found I enjoyed the Breathwork and Meditation classes almost as much as the sweaty fitness sessions!

There is sadly now a big emphasis on the instructor being an “influencer” with hundreds of “fans” rather than the quality of the teaching they offer. I found this irritating and sad as there was nothing particular exciting about their class styles - leave it!

I did however really enjoy an Immersive Yoga class with live DJ - This was so different and left me buzzing with energy and feeling a real energy shift - Loved it!

Immersive Yoga with live DJ at Balance Festival

The whole event is brilliantly put together and it helps that it is set in such a cool part of London. Add in the sunshine, no kids and a glass of wine after a day of inspiring talks and classes and my cup was very full! I’ll be back next year for more.

Balance Festival London 2023




IRONMAY: A challenge with a cause