Finding some balance

The overload of information has become too much for most, Katy has been trying out some hormone balancing stuff and here is what she has to share

“From almost no information to now every where I look there is something trying to sell or inform me what I should be taking, doing, not doing, cutting out, adding in and it has become a blurry mess of confusion!”

Katy, now 45 suffers with endometriosis and has had blood test to confirm she is in peri-menopause. Join the club! Enter the books, articles, instagram posts, podcasts, opinions of how to best manage the now endless list of ever changing symptoms.

“It felt like I was stuck in a mud of information and trying to find out what to try and when seemed even too much for my foggy brain. But I knew I wanted to give some of the suggestions a go”

“The main thing I was feeling was my up and down moods left me high high and low low. So after saying no to medication I wanted to give some changes to my diet and lifestyle a go.”

“I have settled on gentle intermittently fasting and stabilising my blood sugar with what I eat. This means for me I have almost cut out sugar and focus on rainbow of vegetables and good sources of protein”

Not rocket science we hear you say…. True but in a busy life such as Katy’s this can be challenging.

“I now have some patterns in my behaviour that I stick to like making my breakfast later and ensuring it is a savoury meal. I am prepared in the day with things like a boiled egg to grab when I feel my energy dipping. I take carefully chosen supplements which are helping one of which is Dr Seaweed’s Seaweed tablets. I had no idea how much iodine would help me, as I was lacking in this. Since taking these I am noticing vast improvements in my mood, weight, sleep and mood”

“I also have prioritised sleep and moved my phone and electrical devices to another room over night. The difference in my sleep is unreal. This is now a non negotiable for me”

There are some great books and podcasts to support you in the stages and Katy’s best tip is to take in the information and then pick the parts you feel you can realistically make stick and work for you.

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Choice or control?

